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Owl Pellet Workshop

Welcome to the fascinating world of owl pellets, or castings!


Owls swallow their prey whole- bones and all, so they have a specialist digestive system to deal with this. Different to poop or sick, a pellet is a regurgitated ball of all the bits and bobs an owl cannot digest.


Pellets can contain the fur, feathers, teeth, bones and beetle wing casings from an owls last meal!


If you book an owl pellet workshop an amazing 90-minutes of surprise and intrigue is guaranteed!


Meet our two owls, hold an owl and examine and dissect a wild barn owl or tawny owl pellet! All attendees get their own pellet to dissect and everyone will then get to complete a record sheet on their findings. What will you find in yours?! Our pellets are collected in Bedfordshire by local and experienced ecologists, who kindly let us use them for education.


Pellet dissection workshops are great for schools, holiday clubs and activities, or for anyone interested in owls! We can cater for small groups, up to 30, plus accompanying adults. These workshops are suitable for adults, young people and children aged 5+.



Please get in touch for a quote and to discuss availability of dates for owl pellet workshops.


Follow us on Facebook to see if there's an upcoming Owl Pellet Workshop near you soon!



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Animal Activities License no. 19/017833


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© 2023 Teaching Talons Ltd

Website by Cake for Corvids

Mission Statement

To transform the way children and adults alike see the natural world, through 'edutainment'. We aim to provide fun, engaging, informative interaction with animals, in a safe way, with high welfare- that will inspire our audiences interests and passions for wildlife.

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